
The Role of Therapy in Navigating Life Transitions

The Role of Therapy in Navigating Life Transitions

Life is full of transitions. Some we plan for and others we don’t and are more of a surprise. These can include career transitions, relationship changes, parenthood, moving, aging and retirement, health challenges, and more. Everybody is going to have to face life transitions in their life at some point. Some are easy to navigate and adjust to, while others are more difficult and require internal resources that need stabilizing at times. Therapy can offer support, clarity, and tools to help you tap into those internal resources and navigate changes.

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Posted by Becky McGinnis, MS, LPCC in Life Transitions
Anxiety vs. Intuition: How to Tell the Difference

Anxiety vs. Intuition: How to Tell the Difference

It can be hard to tell the difference between intuition and anxiety, especially when there is something difficult in life happening. When we are dealing with something difficult or unexpected, both anxiety and intuition are activated. Anxiety is loud and strong, and intuition is much more quiet. Although anxiety isn’t bad in and of itself, it is loud and strong. We often look at the biggest fire and can get lost in that. But what else is there beyond the anxiety? Beneath the smoke and fire of anxiety, intuition is quietly waiting to be utilized. It is important to spend more time with yourself so you can separate the two and tap into your intuition.

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Posted by Becky McGinnis, MS, LPCC in Anxiety
How to Live More Mindfully

How to Live More Mindfully

*This audio content was generated using AI.

Mindfulness is what, exactly?

Mindfulness is the act of being in the moment and learning to stay there and be present with whatever that moment brings. It is living more in awareness and less in distraction and/or continual searching for “something else” that feels better, newer, or more interesting. It is the intentional act of accepting life’s moments for what they are and learning to suspend the urge to change anything about the moment or how you feel about it.

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Posted by Becky McGinnis, MS, LPCC in Mindfulness